
We use only organic methods for growing our fruit and nut trees as well as the vegetable gardens, Most everything here is planted from organic sources including many heirloom seeds. We live in a  remote area so there is little chance of cross pollination from other gardens or commercial GMO garden sources. We collect our seeds at the end of each growing cycle for next years planting and have a variety of  flower, herbs and vegetables. There are several food dehydrators where we can dry our excess foods. 

We have very good soil for gardening.   At times we need to add sulphur because of the high caliche/alkaline properties.  We have also integrated a product called EM (effective microorganism) This is a  beneficial liquid that breaks down compost and in small doses enhances plant growth by encouraging beneficial organisms as well as moisture holding properties to our soil. We also raise  earthworms to digest lots of compost. One of the best advantages of living at this elevation (2750′) and having protection from the mountains surrounding our valley is the year round planting cycles. 

FRUIT AND NUT TREES Wind Spirit has over 90 varieties of organic fruit and nut trees (see list below), We have hundreds of mature organic fruit and nut trees and add new trees every year. This amount of trees and plant life within a small area creates a large somewhat self supporting plant biomass. Our trees are not planted in traditional orchard rows but planted in a way that it feels more like a forest than an orchard and all the varieties are planted interspersed with each other and the native trees scattered over our lower land area.  In the spring we get peaches, loquats, carob, mulberries, and still more citrus. In the summer we have many stone fruits such as peaches, apricots, plums, nectarines, apples, cherries, and others such as guavas, almonds, mulberries, grapes, figs, and more. In the fall we have more figs, peaches, pears, pomegranates, and walnuts.  All this creates a constant year round harvest both from vegetable gardens and fruit trees.

                                                        Sprout house is only occasionally used these days. There were two residents who sold sprouts at farmers markets but have since moved on. Collecting Saguaro Cactus FruitScientists estimate our-hostile seeming Sanoran desert terrain is home to more than 500 non-cultivated edible plants. Article DesertLeaf  March 2014         

Fruit & Nut Trees

Fruit & Nut TreesFruit & Nut Trees Native and others 
Apple Crab
Apple Golden Del
Apple Green
Apple Yellow
Apple Rose
Barlet Pears
Black Walnut
Cherries Bing
Date Palm
English Walnut
Figs Brown Turkey
Figs Black mission
Figs Yellow
Goji berryGrapefruit Pink
Grapefruit Ruby Reds
Grapefruit White
Grapes Concord
Grapes Red seedlessGuava Pineapple
Guava Strawberry
Lemon Ponderosa
Lemon common
Lemon meyer
Lemon Orange
Orange Blood
Orange Navel
Orange pink Navel
Orange Valencia
Orange Wrinkled
Olives (black)
Peach Early spring yellow
Peach White elephant
Peach Orange
Peach Indian Red
Pears Apple
Pears Asian
Persimmon Oriental
Persimmon Kaki
Pakistan mulberryPink MulberryPistachio nuts
Plum Italian
Plum Japanese
Plum Santa Rosa
Plum yellow
Pomegranate Red
Pomegranate Granada
Purple Mulberry
Quince Apple
White Zapote
 AcaciaAgave- Multiple veritiesAloe Multiple verities
Bamboo Multiple verities
Barrel CactusBlue Spruce
Butterfly BushesCholla cactusHedgehog cactusItalian Cyprus
Fan Palms
Pines Multiple verities
Roses Multiple verities
Saguaro Cactus
Tobacco (wild)
Bottle brush
Texas Mt Laurel
Blue Paloverde
Foothill Paloverde
Cat Claw
Indian Hathorne
Prickly pear
Night blooming cactus
Mormon tea
Soap tree yucca
San Pedro cactus

Photos top to bottomLarge Solar Dehydratorinside greenhouseSunflowerGreenhouse doorThat is one large grapefruit2010 Garden Tomato’s bamboo racks2010 Garden Tomato’s closeupGarden June 2010Garden June 2010Sprout HouseSprout house insideAmy growing sproutsCollecting Saguaro cactus fruits (7)